Deposits and Withdrawals
Depositing cryptocurrency into your CoinPoker account is straightforward. Follow these steps:
- Register as a Cobalt Poker player by downloading, installing, and signing up on the Cobalt Poker app.
- Once registered, proceed to fund your account.
- Establish a personal crypto wallet for all deposits and withdrawals.
- During the initial deposit, input your wallet’s address. This wallet will be associated with your Cobalt Poker account, and subsequent deposits must originate from it.
- If a wallet address change is necessary, contact [email protected] for assistance.
Withdrawing from your Cobalt Poker account follows a simple process. You can withdraw to any private wallet of your choice, by selecting the cryptocurrency you would like to receive.
Cobalt Poker, as a cryptocurrency-focused platform, enforces minimal restrictions on deposits and withdrawals.
Nominal fees are employed to enhance the stability and security of Cobalt Poker, as well as to enable us to continue to provide straightforward cryptocurrency transactions and player to player transfers.
Furthermore, the value of the cryptocurrencies managed by the platform are subject to fluctuations, necessitating responsible financial management and readiness.
Crypto Poker On All Devices